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April 2024 | The P11D form is anticipated to be phased out by 2026

After April 2026, the P11D form, which has been used to process 'benefits-in-kind' such as loans for season tickets and company cars will no longer be used. Instead, HMRC will require businesses to process all such benefits through their payroll systems instead.

HMRC announced earlier this year that the regime for dealing with the taxation of benefits-in-kind would change as it works to simplify the tax system. HMRC plans to automate the processing of these claims through the payroll instead, which should mean these claims are processed more quickly for employees.

What changes have been decided?

Even though HMRC is planning much further ahead than has happened in the past, it still needs to produce guidance after working with industry experts. There are still some complexities that will need to be resolved before all benefits can be dealt with through the payroll. But once this is complete, it should simplify the tax affairs of 3m people and reduce the need for them to contact HMRC.

The administrative burden should also be reduced for thousands of employers, according to HMRC, as it will remove the need for 4m end-of-year returns to be submitted. The guidance "will be made available in advance of 2026," HMRC said.

Employers will need to be ready to change their systems to deal with these changes and should keep a close eye on the employer bulletins from HMRC as they appear, and stay in close contact with their accountants so they are ready.

Let us help you

If you need any help with changing your payroll systems to get ready for the P11D changes in 2026, please get in touch on 01709 327 215 or via email at info@branagans.co.uk and we will be happy to offer you the help and guidance you need.

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